How to Reduce Stress During the Moving Process

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How to Reduce Stress During the Moving Process

Moving can be tough. Even if you have done it multiple times, each time you learn new things to do and learn things you should never do again.

Here is a list of tips that you might have heard before or maybe haven’t. Follow this advice to make your move less stressful and a lot smoother.

6 Ways to Make the Move Easier

  1. Pack an overnight bag: You need to have things such as clothes and toiletry’s readily available and not packed deep into a box. You don’t know how much energy you’ll have or how fast the unpacking process will be. So have what you need ready.
  2. Label your boxes: Things will be much smoother if you know what is in each box and where each box belongs. You should also list priorities so you know which ones should be unpacked first. Packing in clear bins can help with this so you know what is in each box.
  3. Packing materials: Make sure your breakables are properly padded. You can purchase packing materials or you can use clean socks to put breakables in and use pillows or clothes as padding as well. Make sure boxes with breakables are labeled as such so you know to be extra careful with these boxes.
  4. Cut down on boxes: You can do this by using things around the house that can store things such as baskets, bins or cubbies.
  5. Make sure everything is boxed and packed come moving day: This seems obvious but sometimes it comes down to crunch time and you still have stray belongings around the house. This is how stuff gets lost when you have friends and family just tossing items into random boxes or cars.
  6. Hire a moving company: There is enough for you to deal with during a move and especially on moving day. Make things easier on you and your friends by opting to hire a moving company.

When it comes time to move, oftentimes we want to rush through the process as quickly as possible. While this means that the moving process will be over sooner, it usually just creates a ton of unnecessary stress and leaves much room for error. Taking your time during the moving process and thinking out each step individually means that you are much less likely to forget any important step and that the entire process will go more smoothly.

Here are some of our best tips to reduce stress on moving day.

  • Take Time to Get Organized: Take the necessary time to get all of your belongings properly packaged and organized means that unpacking will be that much easier and your belongings will be even safer on the move to your new home.
  • Take an Extra Day: Taking an extra day to prepare for your move and to get everything unpacked and put away in its proper place once the move is complete. Rushing through the process could mean that items get put in the wrong place, which will only cause more stress down the road.
  • Utilize Proper Communication: If you are having friends help you with moving or you are utilizing a moving company, ensure that you properly communicate everything before beginning the process of moving. This will help ensure that everyone knows their responsibilities and that a firm plan of action is in place to make the move as stress-free as possible.

To learn more about Merchants Moving can make your moving day easier, please contact us today!