A Simplified Guide to Moving

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A Simplified Guide to Moving

Getting ready for your move is often the most overwhelming part of the entire moving process. Begin to tackle this project by breaking it down into parts.

Preparing for a New Space

Look at your new space. Is everything you own going to fit in your new house? Or do you need to pare down a bit?

Get rid of what you don’t need. You don’t want to have to move clothing or furniture that you never use. This is an excellent opportunity for a garage sale, or you can donate everything you don’t want.

Clean out your fridge and freezer. Remember when you are grocery shopping not to buy in bulk unless you don’t mind adding it to your packing list.

Contact your moving company. It’s never too early to arrange your plans with a moving company.

Packing for a Simplified Move

Start collecting or buying boxes. Better to have too many than too little when moving. The odds and ends tend to stack up at the end!

Pack an essentials box. A survival kit will make sure that when you get to your new home, you’re not searching around for your pajamas and toothbrush.

Stay organized and pack by room Even if you don’t think books and pens go together (if they are both in the office) pack them together. Then you can unpack by room instead of individual items. It’s also smart to create one packing station instead of moving your materials from room to room.

Label and Create an Inventory

Create an excel spreadsheet. The best way to remember where items are is to track what individual box they are in and enter the information in a spreadsheet.

Keep important paperwork safe. Setting aside a special container for important documents will ensure they don’t get lost.

Other Important Details for the Big Move

Set up utilities. Call at least two days in advance to make sure your power and water will be ready to go.

Change of address. Alert the post office and friends and family of your new address.

Locate important places. Familiarize yourself with your neighborhood. The best way to get to know a place is to walk around.

When you break down your move into functional tasks, it is much easier to manage!

To work with a Boise moving company who cares about your needs and concerns, contact us today!