How to Prepare Your Dog for Moving

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How to Prepare Your Dog for Moving

Moving to a new city is a big deal for everyone involved, even for pets. You can set yourself up for success by preparing to move your dog just as you’ve done for the rest of the house.

Ensure Your Dog is Healthy Enough

Before you go on a road trip, you have your car checked out to make sure it’s ready for the voyage. Taking your dog along on a move should require the same. You don’t want to be in the middle of traveling when signs of an illness decide to make themselves known. While you’re at the veterinary clinic for a quick checkup, you should collect all past health records and ask for vet recommendations in your new city. If you’re flying or driving a long distance, this is also your opportunity to ask about sedation options if they are necessary.

Identification for Protection

As your pet will be in an unfamiliar place, it’s important to create a travel ID for them. This ID should have your name and new address, as well as the information of another person in the city you are leaving (just in case). Don’t forget to check local regulations as well should you need to register or license your dog.

Prepare a Pet Travel Kit

Prepare a bag of food, treats, a water dish, and grooming supplies in advance. The day of your move will be busy with movers and boxes. Your dog will be happy to have things put aside for familiarity. Throwing some extra doggy bags in the car for rest stops is also a good idea.

Getting Settled In After a Move

It may take awhile for your pet to adjust to new surroundings, so you may have to be more watchful than usual. A few walks around your new neighborhood should help your dog adjust more quickly!

To learn more about trusted movers in Boise, call us today!