Moving to College on a Budget

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Moving to College on a Budget

Moving is part of the college experience – You’re leaving home and starting your adult life on your own. Maybe you’re moving from your parent’s house to a dorm, a dorm to an apartment or (if you are lucky) an apartment to a house. No matter where you are moving to, you are probably doing it on a pretty tight budget.

There are many things you will be spending your money on in college such as books, supplies, living expenses, and even campus parking permits; so when it comes to moving you need to save a dime or more.

Tips for Saving Money on Your College Move

  1. To save some money, sometimes it’s good to make a little money. It isn’t reasonable to keep everything you currently own and haul it with you, so sell what you don’t need or don’t use. This not only puts a few extra bucks in your pocket but also lightens your load when you move.
  2. If you have a few months before your move, start collecting boxes and packing materials. You can ask restaurants for the boxes they are tossing out and start collecting the neighbor’s used newspapers.
  3. Do solid research when hiring a moving company. Don’t just say yes to the first quote. Gather quotes and information on the companies and make sure you are getting a company you can trust and a price that is reasonable.
  4. If you are making a road trip to your new home, make sure you buy groceries for snacks and meals along the way and bring a cooler with drinks. This will save you a large amount of money compared to make a pit stop at each fast food restaurant along the way.

College is an exciting time in your life, whether you are a Freshman or have a few years under your belt. It’s also an expensive time, so save money when and where you can.

Let Merchants Moving help! Call us today to see how we can save you money and make your college move a little easier.